Publications and Conferences



  • Reckien, D.; Olazabal, M.; Buzasi, A.; Eckersley, P.; Simoes, S.G; Spyridaki, N.-A.; Salvia, M.; Pietrapertosa, F.; Goonesekera, S.M.; Fokaides, P.A.; Bastakova, V.; Belsak Sel, N.; Church, J.M.; Boer, C. de; De Gregorio Hurtado, S.; Feliu Torres, E.; Flamos, A.; Foley, A.; Geneletti, D.; German Fernandez, J.; Heidrich, O.; Ioannou, B.I.; Juhel, S.; Krook-Riekkola, A.; Krkoska Lorencová, E.; Matosovic, M.; Orru, H.; Paspaldzhiev, I.; Riznar, K.; Streberova, E.; Szalmane Csete, M; Vasilie, S.; Viguié, V.; Wejs, A. (2022): Plan quality characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe.



  • Reckien, D., Salvia, M., Heidrich, O., Church, J. M., Pietrapertosa, F., De Gregorio-Hurtado, S., D’Alonzo, V., Foley, A., Simoes, S. G., Krkoška Lorencová, E., Orru, H., Orru, K., Wejs, A., Flacke, J., Olazabal, M., Geneletti, D., Feliu, E., Vasilie, S., Nador, C., … Dawson, R. (2020). European Local Climate Plans – EURO-LCPs. DANS.



  • A. Buzási, S.G. Simoes; M. Salvia; P. Eckersley; D. Geneletti; F. Pietrapertosa; M. Olazabal; A. Weis; S. de Gregorio Hurtado; N.-A. Spyridaki; M. Szalmáné Csete; E. Feliu Torres; K. Riznar; O. Heidrich; S. Grafakos; D. Reckien. European patterns of local adaptation planning – a regional analysis. Reg Environ Change 24, 59 (2024).


  • F. Pietrapertosa, M. Olazabal, S. G. Simoes, M. Salvia, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, V. Viguié, N.-A. Spyridaki, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, D. Geneletti, O. Heidrich, L. Tardieu, A. Flamos, K. Rižnar, N. Belšak Šel, E. Feliu, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, D. Reckien. Adaptation to climate change in cities of the Mediterranean Europe. Cities, Volume 140, September 2023, 104452, ISSN 0264-2751,

  • Reckien, D., Buzasi, A., Olazabal, M., Spyridaki, N.-A., Eckersley, P., Simoes, S.G., Salvia, M., Pietrapertosa, F., Fokaides, P., Goonesekera, S.M., Tardieu, L., Balzan, M.V., de Boer, C.L., De Gregorio Hurtado, S., Feliu, E., Flamos, A., Foley, A., Geneletti, D., Grafakos, S., Heidrich, O., Ioannou, B., Krook-Riekkola, A., Matosovic, M., Orru, H., Orru, K., Paspaldzhiev, I., Rižnar, K., Smigaj, M., Szalmáné Csete, M., Viguié, V., Wejs, A., 2023. Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time. npj Urban Sustain 3, 1–14.








Selected conferences


  • Peter Eckersley, D. Reckien, F.Pietrapertosa, A. Buzasi, M. Olazabal, N-A Spyridaki, S.G. Simoes, M. Salvia, P. Fokaides et al., Adaptation plan quality in European cities – Presented at eMag #1 on Adaptation in Europe 2024 “What role do sub-national levels play in the planning and implementation of multilevel adaptation policies in Europe?” Thursday 28 March | 15:00 – 16:15 (CET)




  • Pietrapertosa, F., M. Salvia, S. G. Simoes, D. Geneletti, M. Olazabal, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, L. Tardieu, N.-A. Spyridaki, A. Flamos, K. Rižnar, N. Belšak Šel, E. Feliu, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, V. Viguié, O. Heidrich, D. Reckien. State of play of local adaptation planning in the Mediterranean Europe. The 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), October 10-15, 2021. Dubrovnik (Croatia).

  • Salvia, M., F. Pietrapertosa, D. Geneletti, V. D’alonzo, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, D. Reckien, S. Chatterjee, X. Bai, D. Ürge-Vorsatz. Climate emergency declarations and climate ambition of local plans: A comparative assessment for Italian cities. The 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), October 10-15, 2021. Dubrovnik (Croatia).

  • Reckien, D. How are equity and justice integrated in EU Local Climate Plans and what can we learn about those and other examples in practice? Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference (7th – 9th October 2021): ACSP-AESOP Climate Justice Roundtable – Engaging in the Practice of Climate Justice: Perspectives from Europe and the United States, October 07-09, 2021. Miami (USA/ fully online).

  • Salvia, M., D. Reckien, F. Pietrapertosa, P. Eckersley, N.-A. Spyridaki, A. Krook-Riekkola, M. Olazabal, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, S. G. Simoes, D. Geneletti, V. Viguié, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, A. Flamos, M. Szalmane Csete, A. Buzasi, H. Orru, C. de Boer, A. Foley, K. Rižnar, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, M. Smigaj, V. Baštáková, E. Streberova, N. Belšak Šel, L. Coste, L. Tardieu, C. Altenburg, E. Krkoška Lorencová, K. Orru, A. Wejs, E. Feliu, J. M. Church, S. Grafakos, S. Vasilie, I. Paspaldzhiev, O. Heidrich. Climate ambition and carbon neutrality in 327 European cities. Energy Futures Conference– Emerging Pathways in an Uncertain World? 22-26 February 2021, Berlin (Germany)


  • Salvia, F. Pietrapertosa, M. Olazabal, S. G. Simoes, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, D. Geneletti, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, N.-A. Spyridaki, A. Flamos, V. Viguié, L. Tardieu, K. Rižnar, N. Belšak Šel, E. Feliu, O. Heidrich, D. Reckien. Invited presentation Climate ambition and carbon neutrality in 327 European cities in the Panel “Climate Neutrality in Cities” (Moderator: Prof. Ingo Stadler). 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). 1-5 September 2020, Cologne, Germany.

  • Pietrapertosa, F. , M. Salvia, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, D. Geneletti, V. D’Alonzo, D. Reckien. The intricate multi-level landscape of climate change planning: a review of the Italian case. 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). 1-5 September 2020, Cologne, Germany.

  • Salvia, M., F. Pietrapertosa, M. Olazabal, S. G. Simoes, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, D. Geneletti, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, N.-A. Spyridaki, A. Flamos, V. Viguié, L. Tardieu, K. Rižnar, N. Belšak Šel, E. Feliu, O. Heidrich, D. Reckien. Climate change mitigation in European Mediterranean cities. 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). 1-5 September 2020, Cologne, Germany.


  • Salvia, M., D. Reckien, F. Pietrapertosa, S. G. Simoes, P. Eckersley, A. Krook-Riekkola, C. Altenburg, N.-A. Spyridaki, M. Olazabal, S. De Gregorio Hurtado, D. Geneletti, V. Viguié, E. K. Lorencová, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, A. Foley, H. Orru, K. Orru, A. Wejs, C. de Boer, J. M. Church, E. Feliu, S. Vasilie, M. Matosović, M. V. Balzan, M. Csete, A. Buzasi, S. Grafakos, I. Paspaldzhiev, M. Smigaj, E. Streberova, V. Baštáková, K. Rižnar, N. Belšak Šel, A. Flamos, J. Flacke, L. Coste, L. Tardieu, O. Heidrich. Assessing climate action in 885 European cities: latest results on mitigation and adaptation efforts in urban planning.In Abstract Booklet of the 3rd International Conference Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2019), Bolzano/Bozen (Italy), 9-13 December 2019, pp. 303-306.

  • Heidrich, D. Reckien and M. Salvia. Urban Climate Change Strategies- Standalone or mainstream strategy- which one is better? Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, 7 – 11 July, 2019, Beijing, China

  • Reckien; M. Salvia; O. Heidrich; J.M. Church; I. Paspaldzhiev; M. Matosovic; E. Lorencová; A. Wejs; A. Foley; A. Flamos; N. A. Spyridaki; S. Grafakos; E. F. Torres; M. Olazabal; S. de Gregorio; F. Pietrapertosa; B. Ioannou ; P. A. Fokaides; K. Orru; V. Viguie; M. V. Balzan; J. Flacke; C. de Boer; M. Smigaj; S. Simoes; S. Vasilie; K. Riznar; N. Belsak; E. Streberova; H. Orru; A. K. Riekkola; P. Eckersley; D. Geneletti; A. Buzási; M. Szalmane, M. Csete. How European cities plan to respond to climate change: Equity & justice considerations of cities in the EU 28. 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA 2019), Lisbon (Portugal), 28–31 May 2019.


  • D. Reckien, M. Salvia, O. Heidrich, J.M. Church, F. Piatrapertosa, S. De Gregorio-Hurtado, V. D’Alonzo, A. Foley, S. G. Simoes, E.K. Lorencovái, H. Orru, K. Orru, A. Wejs, J. Flacke, M. Olazabal, D. Geneletti, E. Feliu, S. Vasilie, C. Nador, A. Krook-Riekkola, M. Matosović, P. A. Fokaides, B. I. Ioannou, A. Flamos, N.-A. Spyridaki, M. V. Balzan, O. Fülöp, I. Paspaldzhiev, S. Grafakos, R. Dawson. Are European Cities Prepared for Climate Change? Evidence and Gaps from Local Climate Action Plans in 885 Cities in EU-28. Poster presented at Cities IPCC “Cities and Climate Change Science Conference”, 5-7 March 2018, Edmonton (Canada).